Give one of our students their first job after graduation, and in return, you’ll benefit from the energy, skills, and insights of these outstanding information professionals. We are proud of our students who are making things happen in nonprofit organizations, major corporations, local and federal government agencies, startups, schools and universities, libraries, archives, and museums. One of the indicators of an outstanding program is the caliber of organizations that employ their graduates. This will enable the use of and care for digital objects and data over time. Jobs: Expand your workforce by hiring students and alumni from one of our highly-ranked, rigorous degree programs. The Center for Archival Futures (CAFe) endeavors to develop and disseminate human-centered approaches to creating systems, processes, and institutions. You may host interns during the Fall, Spring, and Summer semesters. 2021 iSchool Winter Commencement Program The College of Information Studies will host a small, virtual Winter 2021 on December 22, 2021, 12 PM on the College’s YouTube channel. Their training prepares them to analyze, design, and implement technologies and processes that connect people with information. iSchool Winter 2021 Commencement Ceremony has been postponed to Spring 2022 for a combined ceremony that will celebrate all of the year’s graduates. We are eager to expand the list of fantastic partners who have hosted internships for our students and come back for more! iSchool students seek opportunities at organizations of all kinds – all sizes, all sectors. Foster the next generation of information scientists by providing real-world work experiences.

Internships: Experience is a powerful teacher. Driven by the pursuit of new ideas and big discoveries, faculty, researchers, and students at the UMD College of Information Studies (UMD iSchool) are combining principles of information science with cutting-edge technology to foster access to information, improve information interfaces, and expand how information is used. We offer a variety of formats and opportunities to recruit students and alumni. For the Bachelors in Science in Information Science program. I received my PhD in Cognitive Psychology at the University of Pittsburgh, where I was advised by Christian Schunn.RECRUIT TOP STUDENTS TO FILL YOUR INTERNSHIP AND JOB OPENINGS Academic Advisor & Outreach Coordinator, Shady Grove. Previously, I was a Postdoctoral Research Fellow and Project Scientist in the Human-Computer Interaction Institute (HCII) at Carnegie Mellon University, where I worked with Steven Dow and Niki Kittur.

My long-term research vision is of a world filled with creativity support systems that are open and sustainable We envision a world where information and technology breaks down barriers and creates exciting new possibilities so that individuals, communities, and organi. The experience will be a combination of formal instruction and group work with a mentor.

This talk is a decent overview of how this plays out through a central current thread of my research. UMD Info Challenge Summer Camp is a week-long data analysis camp No previous data analysis experience is necessary Students will work in small teams to solve a real-world problem by analyzing a dataset provided by a professional organization. Sometimes I study such systems and sometimes I create new instances of such systems often I do a close mix of the two. My research and teaching explore systems that support creative knowledge work, in domains such as design and scientific discovery.īeing in an iSchool, I conceive of "systems" very broadly, from individual cognitive skills, interfaces, tools and practices, to collaborative and organizational dynamics and tools, all the way to sociotechnical infrastructures within which knowledge work is done. Associate Director, Fellow, HBK South | | CV